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Conflict Minerals Policy 

Conflict Minerals Policy 

‘Conflict Minerals’ are a group of minerals consisting of tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (‘3TG’) which are mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or surrounding areas.

It has been reported that the sales and profits of such minerals in this region have helped fuel war and human rights violations.

As such, the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) have adopted rules that any publicly traded company must submit an annual report disclosing if they use any conflict minerals and their country of origin (Dodd Frank Act).

To the best of our knowledge and based on the information provided by our supply chain, goods supplied by AMICON have no 3TG intentionally added or used in the products or production process nor does any 3TG remain in the products. AMICON request that all our suppliers notify us of any items containing conflict minerals; all our products comply with the above-mentioned directive and are not sourced from the DRC, based on information provided by our supply chain.